Monday, April 09, 2007

Update emails from "Our Joe"

I'm not sure which will happen first: Joe will stop sending these things or Gina will break up with him. My guess is they'll happen simultaneously.

Hello again fellow Glockstars!

I need you to save the date this coming Wednesday (April 11th). American Idol is going to be following Gina home to tape more on our favorite Idol. The city of Naperville is putting together a big HOMECOMING event for Gina to honor her accomplishments. I don't have the exact details yet other than that it will be this Wednesday. We'd like you ALL to come out and help celebrate. It will probably take place either in Downtown Naperville or at Neuqua Valley High School. I will have more details by Monday and I'll let you all know. Please do your best to be there.
Then there was this one...
Gina will be on a couple of popular daytime shows this Monday. Tune into the Ellen Show, Regis & Kelly, and the Daytime Show to catch our Gina do interviews and SING! There are also plans in the works to have a Welcome home party for all friends and family in the near future, so stay tuned. I'll keep you posted with all the exciting things going on with Gina.
Thanks! Love, Joe

Oh no poor Joe. I'll admit, I'm beginning to like him.


  1. Greg Says:

    Oh come on!!!! You can't use a reference as perfect as that one and not let me play!!!!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    I don't know the reference. Please tell.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    hey i was a huge fan of ginas on idol can you ask her if she will try out again next year b/c she has an amazing voice and was my favorite