Monday, April 23, 2007

Conference calls, chapstick and capri pants

It's a good thing they invented the push button phone key pad before they invented cell phones. Texting on rotary would be a bitch!

Do you ever wonder how people first discovered that cow milk was safe for human consumption? One guy had to look at a cow's udders and think, "Let's pull on 'em and see what comes out!" And then his buddy said, "Yeah, and then let's drink it!"

It's impossible to look tough while putting on chapstick.

Sight seen at yesterday's White Sox vs. Tigers game: Man in a skin tight leopard print shirt and capri pants with a flourescent yellow belt trying to start the wave. Congratulations, Slugger. You're the Mike's Hard Lemonade Gay of the Game!

I love the multi-person conference call on speaker phone at full volume in an open cubicle so everyone in at 40 foot radius has to hear the whole thing. Classic move, cube neighbor. Well played.


  1. Anonymous Says:

    When I was little, I used to think the cow's udders were chopped off to produce hot dogs. When they introduced those hot dogs with cheese inside, it made it even more believable to me.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    I can totally relate to the multi-person conference call thing. My Polish (literally) cube neighbor just had one of those last week and I wanted to say something, but I hate confrontation so I passively-agressively took every call for the rest of the day on speaker.

    She is also the neighbor that cries everyday on the phone to her lawyer and soon-to-be ex-husband while on speaker. I just don't get it.

    Oh and Molly...that's gross!!!