Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Maybe he thought Denver had the 1st pick

Greg Oden, the likely 1st pick in next month's NBA Draft, had the following throw-in comment to the Indianapolis Star that I found funny:

"It's going to be different...I know [Portland]'s close to L.A. and I love that. I want to go to L.A. and go to the beach."

Thankfully, I have done the work for you and according to Google Maps, the distance from Portland to Los Angeles is 961 miles, or approximately 15 hours by car. That's quite the drive. Lets hope he doesn't forget his sunglasses.

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    Your an idiot. Denver is farther then Portland to los Angles

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Wow, two sentences and six mistakes. That has to be some kind of record. First off MJ, thank you for your continued viewing of this site. It's much appreciated. However:

    1. Denver being "farther" was a joke. I could get into an argument with you about whether or not it's funny, but this is a free site so not much is required of me in that regard.

    2. It's "you're", not "your".

    3. It's "further", not "farther". That's nit-picking I know, but I'm trying to help you.

    4. It's "than", not "then". That's nit-picking even more, but again, I'm doing this for you.

    5. "los" should have a capital "L".

    6. It's "Angeles", not "Angles"

    Thanks again for your continued loyalty to this site. Please come back soon.

  3. Megan Says:


    i'm crying, really.