Friday, May 25, 2007

My CEO can beat up your CEO

Let's say you're a stockholder with a large company that has 1 major competitor. Your money hasn't exactly been working for you since you made your investment, but you're confident that one of these days, you'll look back and be glad you didn't dump it and cut your losses. The reason for that confidence is because a few years earlier, the executive board of your company brought in a CEO who had done wonders previously at CBS. You thought to yourself that finally a CEO was in place that could turn your company around and make your investment profitable.

Fast forward to today. You're attending your annual stockholders meeting, presumably to listen to more corporate hogwash on why the value of your holdings have continued to slide, even with a pending merger with your only competitor on the horizon. What possible answers could the revamped board of your company possibly have?

Fortunately, Mel Karmazin had the answer:

You're fantastic Mel Karmazin. You make life brighter for people like me. Then again, I don't own any shares of SIRIUS.

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