Monday, June 18, 2007

Save the breasts... and carp

Pink ribbons aren't free, are they?

I ask because it occurred to me that there seems to be a lot of money wasted on the manufacturing and distributing of the millions of little pink breast cancer awareness ribbons all over the place that could have just gone to curing the damn thing. And while we're at it, is there anyone that isn't "aware" of breast cancer at this point? Can we stop calling it "breast cancer awareness"? I'm all for raising money for a good cause, and what better cause could there be than the protection of perfectly good breasts, but I just don't understand what the ribbon does to advance that goal.

It seems to me that the ribbons are more about looking like you care than they are about actually contributing to the solution. I don't mean to pick on breast cancer, but the pink ribbons are far and away the most visible. There's a ribbon for practically every kind of cancer, including light blue for prostate cancer. I'm sure we all know why we don't see as many light blue ribbon magnets on minivans. There's nothing cute about the prostate.

It's the same reason you don't see bumper stickers that say, "Save the Common Wild Carp". Sure they're endangered too, but carp are not nearly as cute and lovable as say, owls or seals or whales. If the animal isn't worth the effort of the good people at Ty, then the sucker just ain't worth savin'.

Well I say screw that! Let's save the Common Wild Carp!

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    And saving the common wild carp is even MORE fun if your dyslexic!!!!

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Sorry, Brian...I meant "you're", not "your." My bad.

  3. Anonymous Says:

    Clearly you need to propose to Ty that they start producing "cute and lovable" plush breasts. OR you could just sell them on your website.

  4. Anonymous Says:

    So I take it you wont be donating to me for 2008?