Saturday, June 02, 2007

Gratuitous Chicago baseball post

First off, let me congratulate the Chicago Cubs and their fine display this afternoon. It's displays like those that allow me (as a White Sox fan) to be able to continue reading the sports section of the newspaper without wanting to kill myself. So for that, I thank them dearly.

Secondly, I would like to thank Darin Erstad for finally putting himself out of his misery (and mine). I know Ozzie Guillen didn't mind that his leadoff man never got on base, but if I've learned anything about Darin Erstad this season, it's that he's a gamer who will do anything and everything it takes for his team to win, which is why he faked that injury on Thursday so that Ozzie would have no choice but to remove him from the lineup. Sly veteran move Darin, very sly. If only he could figure out a way to convince Juan Uribe to do the same, we'd be back in business.