Friday, June 15, 2007

Coach purses, Fergie, and other Randoms

- I never understood why a thief would steal artwork in hopes to sell it. If it’s worth enough to go to the trouble of stealing it, could there really be a market for it? And if you were that rich, would you really want visual proof of grand theft hanging out in your living room?

- If I had to rate my favorite portmanteaus, spork would probably be 1st, brunch would be 2nd, and Fergalicious would be dead last.

- When I was a kid, I remember being told that Oakley sunglasses were bulletproof. Was that true? And if so, why were they?

- It’s finally happened. The folks over at Pringles are selling a smaller bag of chips and calling it the "fun size". If they only knew what we really considered the fun size……

- Why does Coach make a purse that doesn’t say Coach on it? Do they think any woman is gonna buy that sonofabitch?

- You know what, don’t answer that. In fact, forget I even asked. That previous Random will be stricken from the record.

- Does headache medicine really work, or did the headache simply go away?

- I’m lucky Jill didn’t subscribe to the 6-6-6 rule (6 feet tall, 6 inches long, and a 6 figure income). After all, I’m only 5'11".

- I admit, that was a little too cutesy, even for this page. Let’s try to end this on a high note.

- It’s never a good sign when I’m at work and I overhear someone say in the distance "I’m not sure, but ask Brian, he might know". It’s probably in my best interests to lock my PC and hide under my desk for a few minutes George Costanza style.

- Have a good weekend Everyone! And in case you forgot, they tried to make me go to rehab, but I said no, no, no.

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  1. Megan Says:

    Kudos for using such a big word!

    Simulcast is a great portmanteau.

    I've always thought that it wasn't the pill that got rid of my headache, rather all of the water I drank along with it.

    And hide under your desk, but stay away from the cleaning lady.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Thanks for the kudos. Admittedly, I had to look up how to spell it. F___tard is also a good one. And sexercise. Maybe this should have been a blog topic all its own (smiley)

  3. Emily Says:

    The reason women buy Coach purses that don't say Coach on them is because they are more high-end. Anyone who knows anything about Coach bags knows that the ones w/ the logo are on the cheaper end of the Coach scale, meaning you can get them for about $100-125, 130, as opposed to the non-Coach ones (solid leather, etc.) that go from $150 and up. I never buy the ones with the "coach" logo because it seems too much like "look at me! I have a Coach bag!!"
    Yes, I am a geek about these things. I'm also a twentysomething girl. :)