Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Cherry-flavored Pez. No question about it.

Headline seen: Romijn and husband welcome twin girls

Poor Jerry O'Connell. He's listed as "husband" in a headline about him and his wife. We're talking about Vern here. No, we're talking about Cush. I've got Cush-lash. Cush-lash, Cush-lash, Cush-lash Cush-lash Cush-lash. No wait, even better. Am I to believe that Trip McNeely doesn't get top billing in a headline?

For shame.


  1. Anonymous Says:

    Nice. Completely forgot about Trip McNeely. I was thinking the same thing though. Now he's just "husband". But I'd take that job as husband to Mrs. Rebecca Romijn-Triston27

  2. Hef Says:

    Maybe they can adjust it like "The Professor and Maryanne" in the Gilligan's Island theme. And the rest? What a travesty.