Tuesday, July 24, 2007

More fun news items

It seems our girl Lindsay Lohan has been arrested for DUI again. Early this morning at about 2am, she was pulled over for chasing another car (yeah, I'm confused too), refused to blow, and was then given a field sobriety test which she failed. Police arrested her, then she blew a .12 on her Breathalyzer once she arrived at the police station. Officers also found cocaine in her pocket.


All of this comes 1 week after she checked herself out of an alcohol treatment clinic. See that's the problem with these alcohol treatment clinics. Once you're done with them, they tell you that you've graduated and are free to re-join society. But what do people do after a graduation? They celebrate. And how do people usually celebrate? By drinking.

I blame the alcohol treatment clinic.

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  1. Greg Says:


  2. Megan Says:

    I'm so glad she had a lip gloss handy for that shot.