Tuesday, July 17, 2007

From this week's issue of "Duh" Magazine

A United States intelligence report issued Thursday warns of an increased threat from al Qaeda operatives in Pakistan and Iraq.

Yeah, they needed a report for that.

The report went on to say that there is no credible information to indicate an attack is imminent, nor do they know that if an attack were to occur what kind of attack it would be. Just that hey, the threat is there.

Welcome to 2001.

Reports like these make me question why we even bother. I understand that there is certain intelligence that should not be released to the public. And I'm sure there are details that are known by our intelligence agencies that probably were not put into this non-classified report. But what's the point of releasing something like this to the media when it's essentially the same thing we've been reading in every report for the last 6 years?

I say that until something changes (like the Russians are pointing nukes at us again, or Cuba is teaming up with N. Korea, or the IRA is back in business), the White House should keep their "intelligence" reports to themselves.

[Thankfully, the editors of this blog only allow Brian one rant per month, so he should be done with crap like this until at least August. Also, he stole the title of this entry from one of Norm MacDonald's Weekend Update segments. Then again, if you're a regular reader of this blog, there's a good chance that you already knew that.]

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    I read that the reason the government didn't escalate the threat alert from orange, or whatever it's been for years, to red, is because no one knows what they are supposed to do in those circumstances.

    I say we all go out and buy a bunch of American flags again.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Yeah, who was the genius who figured that colors would be better than numbers as an easy way to differentiate the threat level? On a scale of Purple to Toupe, what would you say the urgency is?