Monday, July 09, 2007

Live Earthiness

So I haven't checked the news yet... Did Live Earth fix the environment? It was in the 90s here on Saturday and it's 78 here today so maybe it did. That's a relief.

Seriously though, I still don't understand what the point of Live Earth was. A concert to raise awareness of impending doom? I suppose that makes sense. I've always wanted to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers before I die.

I have to say, the lineup for the concerts did seem to reek a little of the people organizing it. Nothing says, "Al Gore planned this" like "Ladies and gentlemen... I give you.... GENESIS!!!!" I would have loved to be at the pitch meeting when Gore presented his wish list of bands for the event. I'm picturing something similar to a scene from the movie, Major League...

Organizer Guy: I've never heard of half of these bands and the ones I do know are way past their prime.
Other Organizer Guy: Most of these bands never had a prime.
First Organizer Guy: This guy here is dead.
Al Gore: Cross him off then.

It really is too bad The Carpenters aren't still touring. Live Earth would have been right up their alley. I hear Karen Carpenter was quite the anti-consumerism activist.


  1. Anonymous Says:

    I became suspicious when I saw that the live feed of the concert on VH1 was sponsored by Hummer. Why not just make it Exxon-Mobil and get it over with?

  2. Megan Says:

    I tried to think of a clever pun for a comment, but puns are never clever. Instead, here is what I believe the aftermath of the Live Earth concert looked like.