Thursday, October 16, 2008

Whether you're a brother or whether you're a mother, you'll find this funny, find this funny

I love this story:
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. doctors have found the Bee Gees 1977 disco anthem "Stayin' Alive" provides an ideal beat to follow while performing chest compressions as part of CPR on a heart attack victim.

The American Heart Association calls for chest compressions to be given at a rate of 100 per minute in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). "Stayin' Alive" almost perfectly matches that, with 103 beats per minute.

In a small study headed by Dr. David Matlock of the University of Illinois College of Medicine at Peoria, listening to "Stayin' Alive" helped 15 doctors and medical students to perform chest compressions on dummies at the proper speed. Five weeks after practicing with the music playing, they were asked to perform CPR again on dummies by keeping the song in their minds, and again they kept up a good pace.
It's funny because I always thought that song was actually about giving someone CPR.

Hey don't you wonder which song provides the best rhythm for sex? Surely it can't be anything by The Ramones, right?

[Edit: I hate being a joke explainer, but that might not make any sense. Songs by The Ramones are famous for being very fast and very short. Eh.]


  1. Megan Says:

    For the record, I totally got your Ramones joke. Sadly.