Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Reason #498 that I'm getting old

I'm sitting in the waiting room of the eye doctor during my lunch break yesterday. There is a young couple sitting directly across from me. The guy has a blank stare on his face and is looking straight ahead, occasionally fumbling with the chain that is connecting the wallet in his pocket to his belt. The girl is infinitely more chipper and is talking with the older lady sitting next to her.

I eavesdrop to hear that they're newlyweds. The girl tells the old lady that they just got married two weeks ago. They haven't gone on a honeymoon yet, but they're planning on going to California shortly after Christmas.

The guy continues to stare straight ahead. At one point we make eye contact, but he quickly lowers his head and continues to stare in silence. I do the same because I don't want to get caught in an eavesdrop.

The lady at the front desk calls out a name.

"Heidi," she says.

The newlywed girl stands up.

"I just need to know your birthdate," says the lady at the desk.

"Oh," says Heidi. "It's 2/20/87."

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