Friday, November 03, 2006

From this week's issue of "Duh" magazine

I stayed home from work yesterday, so I was able to catch up on some Oprah. Not that this was something that I wanted to catch up on. But if you’ve ever stayed home from work, I think you’ll agree with me that unless there’s a good movie on (which there wasn’t), Oprah is the only thing you’ll find from 9 til 10.

Anyway, the topic of the day was dieting. She had Dr. Oz on the panel, who is the author of a new book called “YOU: On a Diet”. His plan is pretty simple: cut out foods with trans fat and walk at least 10,000 steps a day. He even had a lady on the show with him that had tried his new plan for 4 weeks and she lost 25 lbs, as well as went from a size 12 to a size 8. I’m not sure what that means, but the audience cheered. In fact, the audience cheered for just about everything this good Doctor said. But what was he really telling us?

The message from his book is essentially that we have to start eating right and exercising. Do we really need a doctor telling us this on Oprah? Doesn’t every person in the world know that the secret to losing weight is eating right and exercising? We know this Good Doctor! We’re not looking for the fool-proof and obvious plan. We’re looking for the quick fix and potentially dangerous plan like stomach stapling. Or maybe even something really off the wall like the all-chocolate diet. Is there a plan like that? Give me something I can use.

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