Thursday, July 27, 2006

Harold Reynolds: No Rules? Not right!

It's been a couple of days since it was revealed that Harold Reynolds was fired from ESPN's Baseball Tonight and it appears as though it was because of the all too common tale of sexual harrassment. According to published reports, former MLB infielder, Reynolds is accused of making unwanted sexual advances on a production assistant at an Outback Steakhouse. In fairness, as far as we know, that could just mean that he suggested to the woman that they "split a bloomin' onion... if you know what I mean." Or it could mean much much worse. One doubts that the real story will ever come out.

While it should not come as a shock to anyone that a former professional athlete would use his fame to try to advance on a lady, Reynolds always came off as one of the more likable ESPN personalities, so it was surprising to hear his name attached to such a taudry story. In fact, as a kid, I had a "Harold Reynolds" model baseball glove. It's just sad to hear something like that.

All this being said, it's worth pointing out that Stuart Scott is still employed at ESPN. Leading one to deduce that while wandering hands will apparently not be tolerated in Bristol, wandering eyes are still ok.

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    Well, you know what you get at Olive Garden...a free tossed salad!!