Wednesday, July 19, 2006

From Ezekiel 25:17

What happened to Samuel L. Jackson? Last year he decided to ride the wave that is Eugene Levy and co-star in "The Man". Later this summer, he will have the lead in something called "Snakes on a Plane".

Quick sidenote. This is a real dialogue between two of my co-workers:

Joe: "Is there really a movie coming out called “Snakes on a Plane"?
Jerry: "Snakes on a Plane, what’s that about?"

Okay, back to my rant.

After Pulp Fiction, I would have thought that there wasn’t a movie project or character that existed that could make Sam Jackson seem un-cool. But it’s been 12 years now and with every new project, I begin to wonder how Jules ever happened in the first place. Maybe we can start pleading with Quentin Tarantino to write "Pulp Fiction 2: Jules Walks the Earth".

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  1. Greg Says:

    I can't wait to see "Snakes on a Plane". I will stand and cheer when Jackson says to the snakes, "I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers."