Friday, May 05, 2006

Bill Paxton's Man-butt

I've tried a couple times to get interested in the new show on HBO Big Love, but I find myself tuning out....and I think I know why: Too much man-butt. Why does Bill Paxton keep doing that to us? Is it in his contract?

Item 1 - must be paid $100,000 per episode.
Item 2 - must be able to show off man-butt.

Well I object. At the very least, there should be a warning at the beginning of the show that lets us know to expect it. They can put it right after the rating, like "the following program is Rated R. It contains violence, strong language, and Bill Paxton's man-butt." Think of how useful that would be to the common viewer like myself that doesn't care to see it.

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    I want MORE not less Bill Paxton man-butt or as I like to call it, Bill butt. Please.