Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Can I be a lug?

What does one need to do to reach "lug" status? Can one only be a BIG lug? Is there such thing as a medium or even junior sized lug? Much like all Rodney Dangerfield ever wanted was one of these, I just want to be someone's lug.

Or do I? What is a lug? I've heard it used as a verb too. To lug something. "Billy helped me lug all my turkey legs to the Renaissance Fair." Maybe I just need a medical dictionary. "If a patient gets difficult, you lug 'em!"

Ok I just looked it up. A lug is a "clumsy fool; a blockhead." So basically we're just letting anything be a term of endearment now? "I just got back from visiting my old piano teacher, that tramp!" Oh yeah, that works! Maybe Frank Sinatra was on to something.

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