Monday, June 12, 2006

78 degrees

That's what the thermostat is set to in my office right now. 78 degrees. I know because it's right outside my cubicle. Someone will come over in a few minutes to put it back down to around 66. Then we'll hear the AC kick in and then someone else will come by and "beep beep beep", it will be back to 78. This goes on all day. At the moment, I'm sweating more than a Greek guy at a sheep auction.

I don't even know who it is that changes it. I have my suspicions but I really don't even care. All I know is that it changes temperatures in here so frequently, I feel menopausal. Come to think of it, maybe I am. That would explain the mood swings and the osteoporosis.

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  1. Anonymous Says:

    Let me know when the vaginal drynesss hits you. It's about at that time you can stop buying tampons.