Friday, March 10, 2006

Random Thoughts

  • I've had an unpeeled banana on my desk all day. It was perfectly yellow 6 hours ago. Now it's brown and gross. How did this stupid fruit catch on? It's got a window of freshness of maybe a day and even if you manage to have a hankering for a banana while it's still yellow on the outside, chances are about 2 to 1 that you're going to get one thats gross on the inside anyway. That's why they come in a bunch. Maybe you'll get one good one in there. Banana's suck.
  • It's 10 minutes to 4 right now. It looks like Mickey Mouse is disco dancing on my watch.
  • NASA announced yesterday that they've found water on a moon of Saturn. How long before someone finds a way to bottle it and sell it for $4.00 a bottle? I should go register
  • My cell phone ringtone is Thunderstruck by AC/DC. My ringtone can kick your ringtone's ass!
  • I need a haircut.
  • Dressing for casual friday is more stressful than any other day. This is my only day to wear something casual and I don't want to waste it.
  • 22 Days until opening day.