Monday, June 04, 2007

Baby steps walk off the field

If you haven't seen it yet, check out this video of a minor league manager's rapid descent into madness. This will be the standard by which all future managerial meltdowns are measured. Meet Mississippi Braves manager, Phillip Wellman.


  1. Anonymous Says:

    It's difficult to pinpoint the worst moment in the video. I'm inclined to go with the goofy hand gestures and face he makes around the 40 second mark. Or maybe it's when he's crawling on the ground. Or yet still when he decides to walk off the field carrying two bases....

  2. Anonymous Says:

    I think my favorite part was that Al Green song playing in the background. It just set the mood of the whole debacle.

  3. Tricia Says:

    It's incidents like this one that make me wish I was more of a baseball fan. Nothing that good ever happens in football.