Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Is this blog pointless? No. But yes it is.

I haven't done one of these in a while, mostly because this funny site does it as well and I think they do a much better job of it than I ever did. Also, I get more pleasure out of simply reading them versus critiquing them. But here's a taste from today's installment of the Joe Morgan chat on ESPN.com


Bawb (Fairview, UT): ...Is there any player today that reminds you of your hitting style?

Joe Morgan: I don't usually compare guys to me, so I would probably have to say no. I would have to say Ray Durham is similar.

Fictitious and Hypothetical Interviewer: Hey Brian, I was wondering if there's anyone that you know of who shares your similar interests and *cough* sense of humor

Brian: No there isn't. I would say my brother Greg.


That is all for this installment. Joe's "hour-long" chat lasted approximately 11 minutes today. Just a fantastic job.

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